When Noah heard of the need he thought there would be no way he could collect enough cans to raise support, he then thought about his large jar of coins he has been adding to for years, he firmly decided he would give all that was in it-$82.62 He came home, told us of the need, and of his decision.
I'm going to be honest, he'd been putting that money away for a while. He had even added birthday money to it. My first impulse was to say, "just give a portion" or "don't you want to keep some of it." I didn't say anything. My second impulse was to let him do what was in his heart to do, and to be overwhelmed that my boy is a "cheerful giver" on his very own. I did that.
Today he took the money to AWANA's.
In a conversation with his dad tonight Noah said, "If I spend my money on toys they don't last forever, but if a kid asks Jesus into his heart that will last forever. If that kid dies before I do, God may tell him that some little boy hundreds of miles away, no states away, no in another country, gave his money so that he would know God."
God loves a cheerful giver -and so does a mommy!
I want to be like Noah when I grow up!
Touching Denise. I pray that God will use Noah's money in a grand way. He already has, hasn't He?
ReplyDeleteThat is so AWESOME!!! I want to be like Noah when I grow up too!! I am touched by his generosity and his heart at such a young age. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteyour boy has always been amazing, grasping concepts and having faith far beyond the norm.
ReplyDeleteWow. Noah must have a wonderful, Jesus loving mommy that taught him how to think of other people!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. A boy with a better grasp on what's important than most adults. (Myself included).
Wow Denise...I'm speechless! What an amazing young man you have there! AND, it shows what an amazing job of parenting you've done in raising your child in the ways of the Lord. To think of others before yourself...and at such a young age is humbling...I'm humbled.
ReplyDeletebringing me to tears again (good tears). you can learn alot from a 8 y.old, but i know one thing noah has learned from you is your loving heart and your beautiful words you speek.
ReplyDeleteI love this. This is beautiful. All that i have...the widow's mite! What a good, kind boy you have.
ReplyDeleteME, TOO!!!
ReplyDeleteA cheerful giver....like mother, like son!! Do you think Noah saw the picture of you cheerfully writing a Whitney check and was inspired?