Monday, October 19, 2009

fall back

i miss when they were little. when time was concentrated on play, naps, graham crackers n' milk, giggles, slobbery kisses, and silliness.
i miss when fall invited us to tackle a fresh pile of autumn colored leaves
to go "on bear hunts"
to take wagon rides bundled up in our vava made scarves n' hats
to curl up on mommy's lap next to the first fire with our "kiki, tiggy, or dee dee"
(the names of their blankets)

to race laps around the sofas, burning tracks in the carpet
to engage in nightly wrestling matches and acrobats with daddy as they prepared for
cirque du soleil

i miss starting again the next morning with snuggles in our bed, tiny fingers wrapped around my neck.

i miss them, my little people.


  1. Oh those are precious times! :) I love their blanket names. I'm big on blankets! :)

  2. My sons both had/have a kiki. They are both pretty much shredded now, but usually they still make it into the bed anyway.

    I miss my little ones too. But time is sweet with them now. They are my joy. :)

  3. Denise,

    I too remember those times during this time of year. It seems like fall is a time for reflection.

    Love all these beautiful pictures!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  4. This post just made me wipe my daughter's yucky runny nose for the hundredth time today... with a whole lot more joy :)

    They grow too fast.

    Your little people are very cute!

  5. I love the pictures. Thanks for the sweet reminder to savor this season.

  6. The braids on your little girl are sooooo darn cute!

  7. aww! i love those pictures. why do they have to grow up so fast??
